Ive just finishing a rebuild of a 42RLE in a 2003 Jeep liberty and Im hoping some of the transmission experts on here can help. Im wondering what is the best way to do the re-learn road test. I have an older Snap-on scanner Im assuming will be able to set the PCM re-learn, and if so, what is the procedure for the road test (drive it hard, drive it easy, etc??)?
And if the scanner wont do a relearn, is there a procedure to get this done? I ask this because I put a Transgo shift kit in it, and in the instructions it talks about putting the vehicle on jack stands and running up to 60 MPH slowly and slowly de-accellerating to a stop 70 times. It doesnt specify if this is after the PCM re-learn or if this is in lieu of a re-learn.
Just for reference the transmission was still in somewhat working order when I tore it apart. It was flaring going into OD, and the OD and 2/4 clutches were a bit burnt but not destroyed. It does have a new shift solenoid also and obviously the Transgo shift kit.
Any thoughts? Thanks in advance