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Thread: Leaking Freeze Plug

  1. #1
    Rhymes with tortoise. Turbo Mopar Staff cordes's Avatar
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    Tuscola, IL

    Leaking Freeze Plug

    As the title to the thread suggests, I appear to have a freeze plug leaking in the minivan. I smelled coolant when Joy returned from the store today. Upon investigation, it's certainly leaking, and seems to be coming from the one right behind and to the left of the distributor.

    I've never experienced this before, and I'm wondering what the probability of success is in the replacement? Any particular parts to get or avoid? I'm assuming I should just attempt to turn it sideways with a punch and hammer, and then pull it out with some pliers? In stall the new one with a socket and a hammer?

    Let me know what I'm in for. Will these just fail one after the next, or are they generally one and done? I did a pretty lengthy search using Google to scour the site, and I couldn't find much of anything regarding freeze plugs leaking.

  2. #2
    turbo addict
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    Dec 2006
    MPLS, MN

    Re: Leaking Freeze Plug

    You can try looking at parts stores for different brands. IIRC, you are a ways away from parts stores. I see some are deeper than others, some are steel, some are brass. Some are up to .015" diameter different than others that all claimed to be 1-5/8" diameter. I've even had a TIII engine with one core plug being oversized. I pretty much always use brass ones for my engine builds. I install using RTV. Personally like using The Right Stuff brand if I can find it fresh. Pretty sad to have to look at date codes to buy RTV (lol).
    You should be able to get to that core plug. Could be far worse, could be in the back!
    Good luck and have fun at the convention.
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  3. #3
    Rhymes with tortoise. Turbo Mopar Staff cordes's Avatar
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    Dec 2005
    Tuscola, IL

    Re: Leaking Freeze Plug

    Thanks a ton for the quick reply, Todd. Fortunately for me, there is now an O'Reilly Auto Parts in town. It has literally changed my life in a huge way. The one hour round trip to the nearest decent parts store is no more!

    I'll swing by there and see what they can do for me. I'm guessing the brass one which is 1.640 should do the trick if I can find one.

    I should have a great time at the convention, but will miss seeing you. I was actually thinking that you might make it due to it being closer to you. Bummer. Thanks as always for all the help.

  4. #4
    Garrett booster
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    Jun 2007
    Waukesha, WI

    Re: Leaking Freeze Plug

    Brian, I did my first freeze plug ever on my minivan early this month. Mine was to the right of the distributor. I did it just like you describe above. I rotated it with a punch and hammer, pulled it out with a vice grips and then installed a brass plug with a 32mm socket. I did remove the radiator and distributor which gave me ample room to work. The reason mine leaked was the bore was damaged and the PO of the 2.5L had epoxied the plug in. So I had to clean up the bore, fill in the damage with epoxy and then sand it flush after it cured. I just used RTV on the bore and the plug and it has not leaked. I've heard from Miles that Permatex 620 bearing retainer compound works great for this.

  5. #5
    Rhymes with tortoise. Turbo Mopar Staff cordes's Avatar
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    Dec 2005
    Tuscola, IL

    Re: Leaking Freeze Plug

    Thanks Jeff. I look forward to hearing more about this in approximately 36 hours!

  6. #6
    Supporting Member Turbo Mopar Contributor
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    Feb 2015

    Re: Leaking Freeze Plug

    I will bring 620 just in case and frostplugs

    DD '87 Sundance T1, SLH with rear disks
    '87 CSX #432 2.5 CB TII, SLH

  7. #7
    Rhymes with tortoise. Turbo Mopar Staff cordes's Avatar
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    Dec 2005
    Tuscola, IL

    Re: Leaking Freeze Plug

    Quote Originally Posted by chromguy View Post
    I will bring 620 just in case and frostplugs
    Thanks, Miles, but we're not taking the van. I hope to have both 89 CSXs there. The minivan will be a project for when I get home.

  8. #8
    Supporting Member Turbo Mopar Contributor
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    Re: Leaking Freeze Plug

    Woops too is packed in the car..

    DD '87 Sundance T1, SLH with rear disks
    '87 CSX #432 2.5 CB TII, SLH

  9. #9
    Rhymes with tortoise. Turbo Mopar Staff cordes's Avatar
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    Tuscola, IL

    Re: Leaking Freeze Plug

    I replaced the plug today and it seems to be holding up fine. I would presume that if it doesn't leak straight away then it will be great. Thanks to all of those with tips and suggestions. I would have over thought this and yet still been under prepared for the task.

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