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Thread: Hit a bump now car is undrivable...

  1. #1
    Mitsu booster
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Hit a bump now car is undrivable...

    89 Gtc coupe 2.5 stage5 SMEC

    Sat 10+ Years. Always had long crank, cold idle stalling,no codes ever, battery drain.

    Few weeks ago stalled in traffic hot but restarted.

    Yesterday took it for a run was running great besides high idle hit a hard bump and it shut down.

    Crank no start jumped ASD heard pump added fuel ran battery down never got it to run just fire for a second then die.

    Towed it swapped fuel pump with one that was in the trunk.

    Barely starts cranks forever if it starts cuts out bucks then dies. Then idles great but won't restart. Then it will. Jumping the ASD helps. NEVER ANY CODES BESIDES 12 55

    Assuming it's electrical any ideas?

    Does anyone know where all the grounds are especially fuel pump on a 89 Gtc coupe?

  2. #2
    Rhymes with tortoise. Turbo Mopar Staff cordes's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Tuscola, IL

    Re: Hit a bump now car is undrivable...

    Have you checked the fuel pressure yet? I would probably start there. I doubt it's a ground issue, but the ground is one side of the plug on the fuel pump connector, and then it runs back into the car and on many models grounds by the seatbelt on the driver's side of the car.

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