I'm sure you get a similar note at every other hotel? LoL...
SDAC Director
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87 Shelby Z - 10.50@141.66mph
87 CSX #751 Clone - 12.88@102.88mph
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"I'm not some pro athlete with a bajillion dollars, I'm just an every man"
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No. I think another hotel worker actually sabotaged that guy. I need to see if I have any other stuff lying around from back then. We were much younger and way more wild back in those days. Of course, the cars were stacked 12 deep in the JY, so no worries if you broke anything.
SDAC Director
SDAC-Chicago President
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87 Shelby Z - 10.50@141.66mph
87 CSX #751 Clone - 12.88@102.88mph
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"I'm not some pro athlete with a bajillion dollars, I'm just an every man"
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love it !!![]()