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Thread: MPTune and Ostrich - Boost cut-out around 11+ psi?

  1. #1

    MPTune and Ostrich - Boost cut-out around 11+ psi?

    I thought I had an issue with something mechanical, but it turned out the cal was corrupt. Found the table that needed an update from n to 1 and now the car drives good, for the most part.

    When in full throttle above 10psi (it seems), the car acts like it has boost cutout like on a stock cal when it goes over the limit. Car dies for a sec, then it's back, then over the boost limit it dies, then it's back, etc. Wondering if the overboost setting is the reason? I don't remember having this issue before, but I also have not burned a cal for the car in YEARS and I pulled down all new files as of last summer, so wondering if since I did mine a while back to now, this is another step we need to do when working with a cal that supports more than stock boost. I have the injectors and MAP sensor set correctly, so if this is something that has to be adjusted on a new cal build, just confirming changes are needed and where to do it.
    [SIZE="3"] [B]Jon Trotter[/B][/SIZE] [B]1985[/B] Dodge Shelby Charger, Currently decommissioned [B]1987[/B] Shelby GLHS, #937 [B]1987[/B] Shelby Lancer, #628 [QUOTE=Reeves;587010]I can be ready. Please send pics of wife. _____DodgeZ add comments here______[/QUOTE]

  2. #2
    Garrett booster
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Waukesha, WI

    Re: MPTune and Ostrich - Boost cut-out around 11+ psi?

    Which table did you update that resolved your issue?
    You have a LM right? I don't think over-boost settings have changed.

    Jeff Chojnacki

  3. #3
    Supporting Member Turbo Mopar Contributor
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: MPTune and Ostrich - Boost cut-out around 11+ psi?

    I also had a few corrupt cals last year over 10 or so PSI it would cut out and at times it would show error code 13.
    I rebuilt my cal from a known good and we are OK now.

    DD '87 Sundance T1, SLH with rear disks
    '87 CSX #432 2.5 CB TII, SLH

  4. #4

    Re: MPTune and Ostrich - Boost cut-out around 11+ psi?

    Quote Originally Posted by jpcturbo View Post
    Which table did you update that resolved your issue?
    You have a LM right? I don't think over-boost settings have changed.

    Jeff Chojnacki
    Hey Jeff, it was the DeltaMAPEnrichment FromTemp2 table. There was a letter set, I changed it from n to 1 and no issues after. I also found the table that manages the boost limit. It must be new because I did not have to chase this down before and modify that value. My cal must have been old if that option has been around for a bit.

    Click image for larger version. 

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    It's been running better since I got the errors worked out and can run over 14 psi. Still needs some tuning, but overall it's running good.
    [SIZE="3"] [B]Jon Trotter[/B][/SIZE] [B]1985[/B] Dodge Shelby Charger, Currently decommissioned [B]1987[/B] Shelby GLHS, #937 [B]1987[/B] Shelby Lancer, #628 [QUOTE=Reeves;587010]I can be ready. Please send pics of wife. _____DodgeZ add comments here______[/QUOTE]

  5. #5
    Rhymes with tortoise. Turbo Mopar Staff cordes's Avatar
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    Re: MPTune and Ostrich - Boost cut-out around 11+ psi?

    That's great to read. I hope you get it tuned and are all set for SDAC this year. That would be awesome.

  6. #6

    Re: MPTune and Ostrich - Boost cut-out around 11+ psi?

    Yeah I may bring it.thid year, so far it is running good. I'd like to spend time on the interior and get it looking a little better. I have been struggling with the cal, so I didn't make any efforts to get the interior in place like basic wiring for power to the center console or other things. Bare minimum.

    Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk
    [SIZE="3"] [B]Jon Trotter[/B][/SIZE] [B]1985[/B] Dodge Shelby Charger, Currently decommissioned [B]1987[/B] Shelby GLHS, #937 [B]1987[/B] Shelby Lancer, #628 [QUOTE=Reeves;587010]I can be ready. Please send pics of wife. _____DodgeZ add comments here______[/QUOTE]

  7. #7
    Garrett booster
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    Jun 2007
    Waukesha, WI

    Re: MPTune and Ostrich - Boost cut-out around 11+ psi?

    Hey JT, I think I know why you're struggling with the cal. The boost limit value you changed, in the picture, is the overboost while in Limp-in mode. That has been there forever, it's part of the factory cal system. If you changed that value and saw a difference in your overboost limit, that means your LM thinks there is a problem and it's are running in limp-in mode. Limp-in mode is for example, what happens when you unplug the coolant sensor. There are many other faults or problems that can cause the LM to run in Limp-in mode. So I think the next thing you should do is check for codes. If there are no codes then check engine grounds and visually check the harnessing for each sensor. If you do find a problem and correct it, then you won't be running in Limp-in mode and there is a chance you may have undo the changes you made to DeltaMAPEnrichment because everything else will be running as it should again.


  8. #8
    Rhymes with tortoise. Turbo Mopar Staff cordes's Avatar
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    Re: MPTune and Ostrich - Boost cut-out around 11+ psi?

    Check codes? Oh, boy!

  9. #9

    Re: MPTune and Ostrich - Boost cut-out around 11+ psi?

    Quote Originally Posted by jpcturbo View Post
    Hey JT, I think I know why you're struggling with the cal. The boost limit value you changed, in the picture, is the overboost while in Limp-in mode. That has been there forever, it's part of the factory cal system. If you changed that value and saw a difference in your overboost limit, that means your LM thinks there is a problem and it's are running in limp-in mode. Limp-in mode is for example, what happens when you unplug the coolant sensor. There are many other faults or problems that can cause the LM to run in Limp-in mode. So I think the next thing you should do is check for codes. If there are no codes then check engine grounds and visually check the harnessing for each sensor. If you do find a problem and correct it, then you won't be running in Limp-in mode and there is a chance you may have undo the changes you made to DeltaMAPEnrichment because everything else will be running as it should again.

    Hahaha as Cordes is alluding to, my car doesn't allow for checking codes. It's never been able to, even before I put the Ostrich in.

    I honestly don't remember when or who did the cal last time, but I know I have never set that option for any I have played with. But it is very possible I tinkered with an existing cal that had it set higher, which is why I never came across this issue before.

    Need to add some fuel, but overall the car seems to be running well.

    Thanks for the information and support Jeff (and others)!

    Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk
    [SIZE="3"] [B]Jon Trotter[/B][/SIZE] [B]1985[/B] Dodge Shelby Charger, Currently decommissioned [B]1987[/B] Shelby GLHS, #937 [B]1987[/B] Shelby Lancer, #628 [QUOTE=Reeves;587010]I can be ready. Please send pics of wife. _____DodgeZ add comments here______[/QUOTE]

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