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Thread: New And Improved Swingvalve on the Drawing Board

  1. #1
    turbo addict Chris W's Avatar
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    Phoenix, Arizona

    New And Improved Swingvalve on the Drawing Board

    A few years after we sold out of our 3 inch swingvalves we started to receive requests to bring the product back. As everyone already knows TurboChargers require a free flowing exhaust system to provide maximum performance. The OEM versions are extremely restrictive. Our TU 3" swingvalve increased factory 2.25"/2.5" flow by 78%/43% respectively. Before we can take this to the next level we would like to gauge the community's interest. We are currently in the designing stage of creating a new and improved swingvalve for both 8/16 valve engines. Also, we would like everyone's input on additional features that can be added at this time to make it the very best. Dual bolt pattern, larger wastegate puck and increased outlet size 😉 already added.
    Please post up if this would be a product you would be interested in.

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    Chris Wright 602-76-BOOST Tech/Sales#: Monday-Saturday 9AM-7PM MST Proudly Serving the Turbo-Mopar Community since 1997 TU is a performance, not marketing company. We provide accurate performance data on all our performance products. Fabricating data to make us appear better is just not our style. Do the research before you buy. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES WITHOUT THE HIDDEN HANDLING FEES.... -----HOME OF THE 9 SECOND FWD T-M CLUTCH-----

  2. #2
    Garrett booster
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    Re: New And Improved Swingvalve on the Drawing Board

    I'd be interested. As long as you don't have to run a different downpipe.

    I go the last turbobonetics 2.5" brand new that Cindy had at FWDP. It would be nice to see another batch available on the market.

    I know demand has dwindled on the 8 Valve stuff due to the 2.4 Srt swaps.

  3. #3
    turbo addict
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    MPLS, MN

    Re: New And Improved Swingvalve on the Drawing Board

    Chris, having just dealt with fitting a GTX Gen II turbo on a 8V, there is a lot to do fabricating. Some of the issues on the swingvalve side is making the swingvalve efficient, AND having the v-band clear the Saginaw PS unit. In my case, having a nice gradual 4.5" radius, prevented the Saginaw PS unit from being used. So securing a ZF pump with all it's hardware, making a heat shield for it, then making a custom ZF hose to TRW rack had to be made, in addition to fabricating that downpipe.
    My point is if your going to do this, make sure it flows like the ATP, or GTX Gen II housing/swingvalve. IMO, your not aiming high enough if you ONLY want it to outflow a 2.5" swingvalve.
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  4. #4
    Supporting Member Turbo Mopar Contributor
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    Camilla Ga

    Re: New And Improved Swingvalve on the Drawing Board

    I would be interested 16v

  5. #5
    turbo addict Chris W's Avatar
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    Phoenix, Arizona

    Re: New And Improved Swingvalve on the Drawing Board

    Thank You for your input Todd.

    We will be increasing the size of the v-band outlet to over 3 inches keeping in mind the PS options and locations. We are also considering selling this as a kit with downpipe to avoid those exhaust routing challenges. In order to keep the units affordable we may opt for cast iron as stainless steel is triple the price. The final decision on material will come once all the costs are determined.

    FYI- The new swingvalve will be designed to work with the Ford (Standard), stock Chrysler style and our TU .63 Turbine housings. This will eliminate having to install the larger puck to positively seal the TU versions.

    Appreciate your input!


    Quote Originally Posted by 4 l-bodies View Post
    Chris, having just dealt with fitting a GTX Gen II turbo on a 8V, there is a lot to do fabricating. Some of the issues on the swingvalve side is making the swingvalve efficient, AND having the v-band clear the Saginaw PS unit. In my case, having a nice gradual 4.5" radius, prevented the Saginaw PS unit from being used. So securing a ZF pump with all it's hardware, making a heat shield for it, then making a custom ZF hose to TRW rack had to be made, in addition to fabricating that downpipe.
    My point is if your going to do this, make sure it flows like the ATP, or GTX Gen II housing/swingvalve. IMO, your not aiming high enough if you ONLY want it to outflow a 2.5" swingvalve.
    Chris Wright 602-76-BOOST Tech/Sales#: Monday-Saturday 9AM-7PM MST Proudly Serving the Turbo-Mopar Community since 1997 TU is a performance, not marketing company. We provide accurate performance data on all our performance products. Fabricating data to make us appear better is just not our style. Do the research before you buy. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES WITHOUT THE HIDDEN HANDLING FEES.... -----HOME OF THE 9 SECOND FWD T-M CLUTCH-----

  6. #6
    Rhymes with tortoise. Turbo Mopar Staff cordes's Avatar
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    Re: New And Improved Swingvalve on the Drawing Board

    I'm with Todd. I would be interested in an ATP design, but that's about it. Seeing Pat's mph differential posted up a few years ago floored me.

  7. #7
    Mitsu booster
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    Re: New And Improved Swingvalve on the Drawing Board

    I would like to see it come back. Nothing exotic, just one that bolts to a T3/T4 Turbo and a downpipe that would hook to this and a 3-inch exhaust system. Getting ready to pull the trigger on one of your T04E hybrid turbos and was going to use my current 2.5-inch but would be nice to buy it with the 3" SV.

  8. #8
    Garrett booster
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    Re: New And Improved Swingvalve on the Drawing Board


    I would be interested in an atp-ish one as well.

  9. #9
    turbo addict Chris W's Avatar
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    Re: New And Improved Swingvalve on the Drawing Board

    Quote Originally Posted by Sloride View Post

    I would be interested in an atp-ish one as well.
    Yes, our new swingvalve design is similar to the straight out ATP version. We have made a few improvements from our previous design.

    As the exhaust exits the turbine housing it is nearly at peak temperature. The volume of space the air occupies at this point is greater than when it cools further down the exhaust system. The flow benefits of a 4 inch outlet are 216% greater than a 2.25 inch version, 156% greater than a 2.5 version and 78% greater than the 3 inch version. If it still fits with only minor modifications we feel the 4 inch design would be the best choice. The downpipe will be included with this swingvalve to simplify installation. We are currently taking a poll on 3 inch, 3.5 inch or 4 inch outlet size options on the Facebook SDAC page. Please provide your preference so we can focus on the best size for all.

    Thanks for your input,

    Chris Wright 602-76-BOOST Tech/Sales#: Monday-Saturday 9AM-7PM MST Proudly Serving the Turbo-Mopar Community since 1997 TU is a performance, not marketing company. We provide accurate performance data on all our performance products. Fabricating data to make us appear better is just not our style. Do the research before you buy. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES WITHOUT THE HIDDEN HANDLING FEES.... -----HOME OF THE 9 SECOND FWD T-M CLUTCH-----

  10. #10
    Mitsu booster
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    Re: New And Improved Swingvalve on the Drawing Board

    I'm all for the best flow with the minimal amount of fabricating but wouldn't want to de-rail other's chance to make some serious power. If you go with the 4-inch outlet with the included downpipe, would that tie-into/line-up to an existing 3-inch exhaust system with a 4 to 3 transition piece...and/or would you need to run 4-inch until you get to the rear to take advantage of the larger downpipe? I'm good with some fabricating, but I would like to avoid cutting the floor or hammering the firewall to make it work...if that's a possibility. Thanks Chris, looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

  11. #11
    Garrett booster
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    Re: New And Improved Swingvalve on the Drawing Board

    4". for me

    But whatever size fits before becoming a pita to install <<

    (Sorry i don't have facebook to vote)


  12. #12
    turbo addict Chris W's Avatar
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    Re: New And Improved Swingvalve on the Drawing Board

    Quote Originally Posted by MGeyer View Post
    I'm all for the best flow with the minimal amount of fabricating but wouldn't want to de-rail other's chance to make some serious power. If you go with the 4-inch outlet with the included downpipe, would that tie-into/line-up to an existing 3-inch exhaust system with a 4 to 3 transition piece...and/or would you need to run 4-inch until you get to the rear to take advantage of the larger downpipe? I'm good with some fabricating, but I would like to avoid cutting the floor or hammering the firewall to make it work...if that's a possibility. Thanks Chris, looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
    The advantages of a 4 inch exhaust outlet are mainly close to the turbo. Once cooled, the exhaust volume decreases and benefits would decline. For this reason, we are focusing on the section pre-Cat Conv to reap the full benefits of the 4 inch outlet. Our intention is to create custom downpipes which will stay clear of the PS unit and anything else sensitive to heat exposure. Transitioning from 4 inch to 3 inch is relatively inexpensive and simple to install. You can use a stainless steel exhaust strap or v band to v band reducer pipe costing around $25.

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    Chris Wright 602-76-BOOST Tech/Sales#: Monday-Saturday 9AM-7PM MST Proudly Serving the Turbo-Mopar Community since 1997 TU is a performance, not marketing company. We provide accurate performance data on all our performance products. Fabricating data to make us appear better is just not our style. Do the research before you buy. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES WITHOUT THE HIDDEN HANDLING FEES.... -----HOME OF THE 9 SECOND FWD T-M CLUTCH-----

  13. #13
    Mitsu booster
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    Re: New And Improved Swingvalve on the Drawing Board

    I'd be interested in the new swing valve for my 2.5L for one of the Daytonas.

  14. #14
    Supporting Member II Turbo Mopar Contributor
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    Re: New And Improved Swingvalve on the Drawing Board

    Hey Chris
    Not building anything now but when I do, I'd be in.
    Bolt pattern diversity - like that.
    John Laing

    "The sole condition which is required in order to succeed in centralizing the supreme power in a democratic community, is to love equality, or to get men to believe you love it. Thus the science of despotism, which was once so complex is simplified, and reduced . . . . to a single principle."
    -- Alexis de Tocqueville

    "One of the methods used by statists to destroy capitalism consists in establishing controls that tie a given industry hand and foot, making it unable to solve its problems, then declaring that freedom has failed and stronger controls are necessary."
    --Ayn Rand

    "To evolve, you don't need a Constitution. All you need is a legislature and a ballot box . . . . things will evolve as much as you want. All of these changes can come about democratically; you don't need a Constitution to do that and it's not the function of a Constitution to do that."
    -- Justice Antonin Scalia

  15. #15
    turbo addict Chris W's Avatar
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    Re: New And Improved Swingvalve on the Drawing Board

    The prototype fitment of our new 4 inch swingvalve is complete!!!!

    It's dual bolt pattern and repositioned 38mm wastegate puck will work on the 8 valve 2.2/2.5 platforms and the TIII engine platform when a Ford style turbine housing is used. It will also work with the TU .63 A/R turbine housings since the oversized 38mm wastegate puck is already installed.
    Due to it's unique profile we are calling it the "TUBA" or "TurbosUnleashedBadAss" Swing Valve. Thank You JT for allowing us to borrow your BadASS name.

    At the same time we tested our new T04E TrannyBuster GC (Game Changer) compressor cover. The GC cover is designed to smoothly circumnavigate the factory cylinder head when a stock exhaust manifold is used. This eliminates the need to install a hard 90 at the outlet which can disrupt the flow of air. This is the prototype. The final compressor cover will have a 4 inch Anti-Surge air inlet and a slightly different compressor outlet angle. We considered using the smaller T04B cover however the higher efficiency of the larger T04E cover outweighed the increased production costs. We are looking at offering several wheel combinations including full floating journal and Ball Bearing options.

    The TUBA SwingValve is expected in January/February timeframe. It will include a mandrel bent 4 inch stainless steel downpipe that transitions to 3 inch at the end. The downpipe will include provisions for O2 and Air Fuel Monitor sensors. We are also looking in to including additional heat shielding due to it's proximity to the PS pump. A preorder buy in will be available soon once we have confirmed a manufacturing shipping date.

    Regarding the fitment photos, this was a mock up and due to the scarcity of 4 inch 180 degree bends we were forced to use a dryer vent. Please, no "CRACKS" from the Peanut Gallery. You know who you are.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by johnl View Post
    Hey Chris
    Not building anything now but when I do, I'd be in.
    Bolt pattern diversity - like that.
    Thank You John!!

    All the Best!

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    Chris Wright 602-76-BOOST Tech/Sales#: Monday-Saturday 9AM-7PM MST Proudly Serving the Turbo-Mopar Community since 1997 TU is a performance, not marketing company. We provide accurate performance data on all our performance products. Fabricating data to make us appear better is just not our style. Do the research before you buy. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES WITHOUT THE HIDDEN HANDLING FEES.... -----HOME OF THE 9 SECOND FWD T-M CLUTCH-----

  16. #16
    Rhymes with tortoise. Turbo Mopar Staff cordes's Avatar
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    Re: New And Improved Swingvalve on the Drawing Board

    That's a fantastic looking product, Chris. I might need that in my life.

  17. #17
    turbo addict Chris W's Avatar
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    Re: New And Improved Swingvalve on the Drawing Board

    Swing valves will be completed mid February. We are still working on down pipes. No completion date so far.


    Chris Wright 602-76-BOOST Tech/Sales#: Monday-Saturday 9AM-7PM MST Proudly Serving the Turbo-Mopar Community since 1997 TU is a performance, not marketing company. We provide accurate performance data on all our performance products. Fabricating data to make us appear better is just not our style. Do the research before you buy. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES WITHOUT THE HIDDEN HANDLING FEES.... -----HOME OF THE 9 SECOND FWD T-M CLUTCH-----

  18. #18
    Mitsu booster
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    Re: New And Improved Swingvalve on the Drawing Board

    Looking forward to it!

  19. #19

    Re: New And Improved Swingvalve on the Drawing Board

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris W View Post
    Yes, our new swingvalve design is similar to the straight out ATP version. We have made a few improvements from our previous design. As the exhaust exits the turbine housing it is nearly at peak temperature. The volume of space the air occupies at this point is greater than when it cools further down the exhaust system. The flow benefits of a 4 inch outlet are 216% greater than a 2.25 inch version, 156% greater than a 2.5 version and 78% greater than the 3 inch version. If it still fits with only minor modifications we feel the 4 inch design would be the best choice. The downpipe will be included with this swingvalve to simplify installation. We are currently taking a poll on 3 inch, 3.5 inch or 4 inch outlet size options on the Facebook SDAC page. Please provide your preference so we can focus on the best size for all. Thanks for your input,Chris-TU
    Count me in for one of the 4 inch versions

  20. #20
    turbo addict Chris W's Avatar
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    Re: New And Improved Swingvalve on the Drawing Board

    UPDATE: At the moment we have decided to sell this as a package which includes the 4 inch swingvalve, 4 to 3 inch reducing Stainless downpipe including flex pipe and the 4 inch v-band clamp. Downpipe will have provisions for the factory O2 sensor, wide band probe and an additional temperature probe. It will be similar to the Awesome looking Modern Performance downpipe seen in the attachments. The swingvalve test sample has been completed and is on its way here for fitment and operational (Dyno) testing. Price point for the kit will be competitively priced around $550. for FBC members. Here are photos of the first article before leaving the manufacturing facility.

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    Last edited by Chris W; 03-28-2024 at 09:55 PM.
    Chris Wright 602-76-BOOST Tech/Sales#: Monday-Saturday 9AM-7PM MST Proudly Serving the Turbo-Mopar Community since 1997 TU is a performance, not marketing company. We provide accurate performance data on all our performance products. Fabricating data to make us appear better is just not our style. Do the research before you buy. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES WITHOUT THE HIDDEN HANDLING FEES.... -----HOME OF THE 9 SECOND FWD T-M CLUTCH-----

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