are all turbo smec power boards created equal ? LOL
In the mad dash of trying to get the Charger up and running again
I had multiple issues with SMECs that I had laying around
corrupt cals
corroded pins
ecu that wouldn't prime the fuel pump
one that full fielded the injectors to WOT just connecting the battery without the key on with 75lb/hr injectors !!
and one that wasn't in the case and blew a massive arc from the heat sink to the metal case on the relay
tons of fun
So after finally finding a combination of SMEC / Power board / Ostrich and Calibration that some how all seem to work together
I no longer remember which power board is in the car or if it really matters . Does it ?
just recently found out that my issues getting MP Scan to work was that my socketed SMEC was originally from a TI car and thats what the RAM locations are based on NOT that I'm using a TII Basecal (Or should be haha)