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Thread: Alternator Regulator failure in ECU

  1. #1
    Supporting Member Turbo Mopar Contributor
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    Feb 2015

    Alternator Regulator failure in ECU

    As I repair ECUs I notice trends and would like your thoughts. Today topic is the internal Voltage Regulator in our ECU

    • LM/PM are generally good except a steel leg on the power resistor rusts out and the thus circuit stops working. Easy to replace or repair in the PM.
    • SMEC based on the LM/PM except the resistor is within the goo. I have not seen a fault in this yet.
    • SBEC/SBEC2 These use a new MOSFET rather than BJT. I feel these has higher incidence of failure due to under spec of said MOSFET.

    What are you observations?

    DD '87 Sundance T1, SLH with rear disks
    '87 CSX #432 2.5 CB TII, SLH

  2. #2
    Hybrid booster
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    Re: Alternator Regulator failure in ECU

    I have never had one apart, but I have 2 of the LM/PM that won't charge. I added on a external voltage regulator in one of my cars and it works good. If the LM/PM are easy to fix I would like to see how that is done.

  3. #3
    Rhymes with tortoise. Turbo Mopar Staff cordes's Avatar
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    Re: Alternator Regulator failure in ECU

    I've never had one fail, but the PM jobs sure don't like my high wattage headlight setups. It really freaks them out generally. I did install some relays with flyback diodes and that seemed to really help the situation.

  4. #4
    turbo addict
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    Re: Alternator Regulator failure in ECU

    I've had the regulator die in two PM's over the years

    I like to install an external one and rig it so I can simply disconnect the leads to the PM and connect to the external regulator on the spot 'cause it's never going to quit working at home in the garage..

  5. #5
    Supporting Member Turbo Mopar Contributor
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    Re: Alternator Regulator failure in ECU

    Quote Originally Posted by cordes View Post
    I've never had one fail, but the PM jobs sure don't like my high wattage headlight setups. It really freaks them out generally. I did install some relays with flyback diodes and that seemed to really help the situation.
    Brian what sort of freak outs did you observe?

    DD '87 Sundance T1, SLH with rear disks
    '87 CSX #432 2.5 CB TII, SLH

  6. #6
    Rhymes with tortoise. Turbo Mopar Staff cordes's Avatar
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    Re: Alternator Regulator failure in ECU

    Quote Originally Posted by chromguy View Post
    Brian what sort of freak outs did you observe?
    In my NYer, the voltage will fluctuate in a wild and disturbing manner if I flip off the brights while the RPMS are a little lower. It may just throw the Power Loss light momentarily if I'm cruising at 55-60mph, but down around 30 or so it can get crazy. The momentary surge the last time I made that mistake put out so much light I'm surprised I didn't blow the headlight bulbs out. I know it's not a field terminal wire grounding, though it's so bad that is virtually the same.

    I should state that when my high beams are on, I have around 400 watts of power going out the headlights.

  7. #7
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    Re: Alternator Regulator failure in ECU

    Quote Originally Posted by cordes View Post
    In my NYer, the voltage will fluctuate in a wild and disturbing manner if I flip off the brights while the RPMS are a little lower. It may just throw the Power Loss light momentarily if I'm cruising at 55-60mph, but down around 30 or so it can get crazy. The momentary surge the last time I made that mistake put out so much light I'm surprised I didn't blow the headlight bulbs out. I know it's not a field terminal wire grounding, though it's so bad that is virtually the same.

    I should state that when my high beams are on, I have around 400 watts of power going out the headlights.
    interesting I guess I should check all my relays

    DD '87 Sundance T1, SLH with rear disks
    '87 CSX #432 2.5 CB TII, SLH

  8. #8
    Rhymes with tortoise. Turbo Mopar Staff cordes's Avatar
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    Re: Alternator Regulator failure in ECU

    I should swap them over to the nyer to see if it is indeed a flyback voltage induced problem.

  9. #9
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    Re: Alternator Regulator failure in ECU

    just sayin hi!
    John Laing

    "The sole condition which is required in order to succeed in centralizing the supreme power in a democratic community, is to love equality, or to get men to believe you love it. Thus the science of despotism, which was once so complex is simplified, and reduced . . . . to a single principle."
    -- Alexis de Tocqueville

    "One of the methods used by statists to destroy capitalism consists in establishing controls that tie a given industry hand and foot, making it unable to solve its problems, then declaring that freedom has failed and stronger controls are necessary."
    --Ayn Rand

    "To evolve, you don't need a Constitution. All you need is a legislature and a ballot box . . . . things will evolve as much as you want. All of these changes can come about democratically; you don't need a Constitution to do that and it's not the function of a Constitution to do that."
    -- Justice Antonin Scalia

  10. #10
    Rhymes with tortoise. Turbo Mopar Staff cordes's Avatar
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    Re: Alternator Regulator failure in ECU

    Quote Originally Posted by johnl View Post
    just sayin hi!
    Thanks for checking in John. I hope you're doing well!

  11. #11
    Supporting Member II Turbo Mopar Contributor
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    Re: Alternator Regulator failure in ECU

    I am as well as I can be, doing daily "Aqua Aerobics" at a nearby LA County pool to improve/preserve left arm's range of motion. Garden doing well and laying hens are about to start laying, so building a big chicken coop that will roll across my lawn/yard so they scratch fresh grass/bugs each day.

    Nothing happening with the TMs. Left arm and hand remain partially disabled making automotive work, so much of it requiring two hands working together, difficult. e.g., lifting a wheel/tire onto lug nuts or starting a bolt or nut in a blind spot that requires left hand. Kept three motorcycles but they sit there on battery tenders too.
    John Laing

    "The sole condition which is required in order to succeed in centralizing the supreme power in a democratic community, is to love equality, or to get men to believe you love it. Thus the science of despotism, which was once so complex is simplified, and reduced . . . . to a single principle."
    -- Alexis de Tocqueville

    "One of the methods used by statists to destroy capitalism consists in establishing controls that tie a given industry hand and foot, making it unable to solve its problems, then declaring that freedom has failed and stronger controls are necessary."
    --Ayn Rand

    "To evolve, you don't need a Constitution. All you need is a legislature and a ballot box . . . . things will evolve as much as you want. All of these changes can come about democratically; you don't need a Constitution to do that and it's not the function of a Constitution to do that."
    -- Justice Antonin Scalia

  12. #12
    Supporting Member Turbo Mopar Contributor GLHS60's Avatar
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    Re: Alternator Regulator failure in ECU

    Appreciate the up date John!!

    Been curious how your recovery is doing.


    There is no logical reason to call an Engine a motor.

    Randy Hicks
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  13. #13

    Re: Alternator Regulator failure in ECU

    Good to hear from you John. Keep on filling-in the gaps. keep busy with anything that you are able. Maybe TM's one of these days.
    best 1/8 ET-6.16 sec. best 1/8 speed-119.70 Best 1/4 MPH 145.5, Best 1/4 ET 9.65 sec. 8 valve NO NITROUS!!

  14. #14
    Rhymes with tortoise. Turbo Mopar Staff cordes's Avatar
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    Re: Alternator Regulator failure in ECU

    I too thank you for the update, John. I love that you've got a garden and chickens going strong. I hope to have something like that some day.

  15. #15
    Supporting Member II Turbo Mopar Contributor
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    Re: Alternator Regulator failure in ECU

    Thank you all for the kind comments.

    Still waiting for the dang chickens to start laying !?!? despite the fact that I built them an 8'x15' "aviary that I can walk into - 6' tall
    IIRC, I got them as "day old" chicks by mail order at the of February, maybe as late as mid March, so they are now full size and nearing 6 months.

    I really should get along with my TMs, the Ramerati, the TC, the SChrgr, and the GLHS.

    The TC just needs an R&R of right front brake to figure out why it was dragging when I drove it home when I bought it. Then a JY master cylinder to replace that antilock stuff.

    The Ramerati is on the lift still waiting for it's A arms, knuckles, brakes, and wheels before it goes to someone better than me at figuring electrical faults. The SC needs a turbo install. Batteries on little solar or hard wires trickle chargers.

    The finished GLHS long block and head await re-installation in that car.

    Too easy, driving my deceased wife's Avalon.
    John Laing

    "The sole condition which is required in order to succeed in centralizing the supreme power in a democratic community, is to love equality, or to get men to believe you love it. Thus the science of despotism, which was once so complex is simplified, and reduced . . . . to a single principle."
    -- Alexis de Tocqueville

    "One of the methods used by statists to destroy capitalism consists in establishing controls that tie a given industry hand and foot, making it unable to solve its problems, then declaring that freedom has failed and stronger controls are necessary."
    --Ayn Rand

    "To evolve, you don't need a Constitution. All you need is a legislature and a ballot box . . . . things will evolve as much as you want. All of these changes can come about democratically; you don't need a Constitution to do that and it's not the function of a Constitution to do that."
    -- Justice Antonin Scalia

  16. #16
    Supporting Member II Turbo Mopar Contributor
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    Re: Alternator Regulator failure in ECU

    aviary construction
    sorry. can't figure how/when to rotate em
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    John Laing

    "The sole condition which is required in order to succeed in centralizing the supreme power in a democratic community, is to love equality, or to get men to believe you love it. Thus the science of despotism, which was once so complex is simplified, and reduced . . . . to a single principle."
    -- Alexis de Tocqueville

    "One of the methods used by statists to destroy capitalism consists in establishing controls that tie a given industry hand and foot, making it unable to solve its problems, then declaring that freedom has failed and stronger controls are necessary."
    --Ayn Rand

    "To evolve, you don't need a Constitution. All you need is a legislature and a ballot box . . . . things will evolve as much as you want. All of these changes can come about democratically; you don't need a Constitution to do that and it's not the function of a Constitution to do that."
    -- Justice Antonin Scalia

  17. #17
    Rhymes with tortoise. Turbo Mopar Staff cordes's Avatar
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    Re: Alternator Regulator failure in ECU

    That looks pretty cool. If you need any chicken tips, my principal keeps close to 200 of the things if I'm not mistaken. She delivers eggs all over town, so I'm sure I could pry her ear for you.

  18. #18
    Supporting Member II Turbo Mopar Contributor
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    Re: Alternator Regulator failure in ECU

    Nothing new, except getting as many as 6 eggs in one day out of 5 hens but usually 3 - 5.
    Giving away eggs to friends and neighbors.
    TMs and bikes sit there while I do accomplish yard work.
    John Laing

    "The sole condition which is required in order to succeed in centralizing the supreme power in a democratic community, is to love equality, or to get men to believe you love it. Thus the science of despotism, which was once so complex is simplified, and reduced . . . . to a single principle."
    -- Alexis de Tocqueville

    "One of the methods used by statists to destroy capitalism consists in establishing controls that tie a given industry hand and foot, making it unable to solve its problems, then declaring that freedom has failed and stronger controls are necessary."
    --Ayn Rand

    "To evolve, you don't need a Constitution. All you need is a legislature and a ballot box . . . . things will evolve as much as you want. All of these changes can come about democratically; you don't need a Constitution to do that and it's not the function of a Constitution to do that."
    -- Justice Antonin Scalia

  19. #19
    Rhymes with tortoise. Turbo Mopar Staff cordes's Avatar
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    Re: Alternator Regulator failure in ECU

    Great to see that you're getting it done in the yard, John. Thanks for the update.

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