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Thread: L-Body Drums - Where can you buy them?

  1. #1
    Mitsu booster
    Join Date
    Apr 2022
    Bucks County Pa

    L-Body Drums - Where can you buy them?

    Hi Team, Looking for help with my 1987 Dodge Shelby GLHS. Where do you buy new rear drums that has the wheel bearings section? Question, does the center section press out of the drum as all I see and have received from Rock Auto are drums with no center section. Do I press that center section out and onto the new drum?
    Last edited by 1987GLHS; 09-21-2022 at 03:16 PM.

  2. #2

    Re: L-Body Drums - Where can you buy them?

    Yes the drum and hub separate. I have used a block of wood and a small sledge. May have to use some heat...

    You can also just buy a new hub as well...

  3. #3
    Rhymes with tortoise. Turbo Mopar Staff cordes's Avatar
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    Re: L-Body Drums - Where can you buy them?

    Yep. They're not a press fit, but rust has other ideas.

  4. #4
    turbo addict
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Toronto Canada

    Re: L-Body Drums - Where can you buy them?

    only Chrysler sold drums with hubs pre-installed
    you need to know BEFORE you start trying to knock stuff apart..
    Chrysler "swedged" the studs.. this means the shank of the stud gets hit with something like a chisel to knock a little steel from the stud down over the face of the drum .. THIS holds the two pieces together
    you need to grind that little bit of metal away on each stud BEFORE you try knocking the studs out

    if you don't it will enlarge the holes in the hub enough that when you go to install the wheel you WILL knock the stud into the drum..
    and once tight .. if you get it there.. the studs will likely spin in the hubs when you try to remove the wheel

    the hubs from an 89-90 rear wheel disk brake car can and will interchange with what Chrysler put in your back drums and there will be no need to fart around with "swedged" studs
    the hubs from an 87-88 rear disk set up.. WILL NOT FIT

  5. #5
    Mitsu booster
    Join Date
    Apr 2022
    Bucks County Pa

    Re: L-Body Drums - Where can you buy them?

    Thanks All for the information. I am on my way to resolving this.

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