The ultimate can of worms just keeps getting better.
The origin for all of this was replacing the blower motor as outlined in another thread "fixing the fan switch permanently" With the carpet removed to fix some wiring issues I noticed some rust staining and found a cracked area of the floor pan around the driver seat.
The copper is there for welding up those spot weld holes in the seat mount bracket. I do not want the bracket welded back to the floor pan.
On the bottom side. I believe the cracks originated from the spot weld on the left, there are three of them radiating outwards.
Inboard at another spot weld there was a crack that formed.
Outboard front seat mount bolt location. Probably the highest stress area with the least support. It will get a surface skin patch riveted over it.
Found this one today. The rust stained jagged line.
For some added bonus content. Found this today also. parking brake cable for location reference.
A little closer
To fix it right I will have to cut back the floor pan to get to the inner rocker layer and trim all the cancer out. I have not removed the seam sealer yet from the inside, it still looks solid
Another set back for sure on top of all the cracked floor pan mess but whatever. If your going to keep and drive old junk and live anywhere besides the desert then rust is a fact of life.