finally got my NAS up and running. That's the good news.

Now the bad news............

ALL users need to uninstall all versions of mpscan, mptune, and mpscandroid and reinstall from the link in each sticky. i tried to see if i could make it transparent but it took just too much work to do that.

for mpscan and mptune it should be fairly clean. once they are uninstalled you may want to delete the actual mptune and mpscan subdirectories in the c:\users\xxxxx\MP Suite directory. just makes it a bit cleaner but you don't have to.

for mpscandroid it may delete any settings/logs you have. wayne has a better idea about that. so backup what you want first just in case. also, i added an extra "ext" to the extension to get around the security on alot of phones not letting you download an .apk file directly. so once downloaded you will need to delete the "ext" from the extension so the extension is just ".apk".

the first time you start the programs it may do alot of downloading of secondary files to get everything current. hopefully from that point on the auto update process should work cleanly.

sorry for the mess. i should have set up the NAS long ago vs relying on google, then dropbox, then netgear, etc to host the files. long ago(!!) i was able to store them directly on the TM file server. i think i may even still have access to it ..................:-) !! things are much more "complicated" now so the new method is best.

let me know any issues you have. still working out some of the bugs/nuances.
