Hey guys,
So at SDAC I was making some fun 30+ psi passes until we noticed some oil dripping from the bottom of the van. Turns out I popped my camshaft seal out from the head. After previous runs I noticed that my dipstick had popped out of the dipstick tube, but I just brushed it off.

Only thing I changed was that I put a catch can on the pcv system. I always used to just vent it "to the atmosphere" otherwise known as let it blow oil all over the top of the transmission. Never blew enough to drip, but there was always a nice rust proofing being done.

Should I be routing that pcv system some other way?


At SDAC I was talking with Andy (sorry Andy don''t know your screen name) and on his FBI wagon he has a tube tapped into the oil pan just in front of the oil pump. Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to look at it, so I need some direction as to the theory behind using that setup and the "how to" create it.
