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Thread: MPScan

  1. #41
    Hybrid booster
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    Re: MPScan

    Thanks. I'll just give up on the 62500 rate then.

  2. #42
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    Re: MPScan

    Quote Originally Posted by Stratman View Post
    Thanks. I'll just give up on the 62500 rate then.
    only for the high speed logger option (for now!). it works fine for the drb protocols.

  3. #43
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    Re: MPScan

    Quote Originally Posted by wowzer View Post
    only for the high speed logger option (for now!). it works fine for the drb protocols.
    Hmmm, it's the the DRB protocol I am working with that doesn't work right. I'll mess with it further and use PortMon to see what's happening.
    What do the asterisks means next to some address while in the grid setup?

  4. #44
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    Re: MPScan

    the asterisks mean that rob already set up the "display" parameters for that ram location in the .asm file. so when you select that location, it will populate the grid with those defaults. saves some time. if you look at the .asm file ram locations you will see that data.

    you'll hate using portmon with mpscan. since it was written in vb6 long ago, vb6 floods the port with useless stuff! also, i quit using the event driven method and just poll the port until i get data back. this creates alot of extra traffic as well.

  5. #45
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    Re: MPScan

    Well, I hopped in the car this morning and MPscan worked perfect all the way to work (45 min), until I stopped it, started LW plugin, and went back to MPscan to see if it would start up. Didn't work, so I may just have to figure out a sequence. LW plugin will always start great when switching the com port back and forth between programs.

    I did take a portmon log with MPscan and wow, you wasn't exaggerating about the traffic. MPscan works at the same speed as my OTC 4000 scanner which is has been far slower than the DRBII scanner. Too bad the LW plugin doesn't have an output to a txt or dif log file without having to use Logworks. .

  6. #46
    boostaholic Turbo Mopar Contributor
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    Re: MPScan

    Quote Originally Posted by Stratman View Post
    I did take a portmon log with MPscan and wow, you wasn't exaggerating about the traffic. MPscan works at the same speed as my OTC 4000 scanner which is has been far slower than the DRBII scanner. Too bad the LW plugin doesn't have an output to a txt or dif log file without having to use Logworks. .
    I don't want to hijack this thread, but if you'd like that feature added please post in the logworks thread. Adding that should be easy, I'd just like to discuss it a little to make sure that you get the features you'd like.

  7. #47
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    Re: MPScan

    Quote Originally Posted by risen View Post
    I don't want to hijack this thread, but if you'd like that feature added please post in the logworks thread. Adding that should be easy, I'd just like to discuss it a little to make sure that you get the features you'd like.

  8. #48
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    Re: MPScan

    Quote Originally Posted by Stratman View Post
    Well, I hopped in the car this morning and MPscan worked perfect all the way to work (45 min), until I stopped it, started LW plugin, and went back to MPscan to see if it would start up. Didn't work, so I may just have to figure out a sequence. LW plugin will always start great when switching the com port back and forth between programs.

    I did take a portmon log with MPscan and wow, you wasn't exaggerating about the traffic. MPscan works at the same speed as my OTC 4000 scanner which is has been far slower than the DRBII scanner. Too bad the LW plugin doesn't have an output to a txt or dif log file without having to use Logworks. .
    glad u finally got it to work. couple things. when u start mpscan it "assumes" it is at the low baud rate. so if u started the lw plugin and then tried to start mpscan at the same time it won't work if the lw plugin has already switched to the high baud rate.

    secondly, i don't recall if the lm plugin just tries to retrieve data as fast as it can or not. in mpscan, you set a "sample" rate. so if it is set at 10 samples/sec (default), that is what you'll probably get (i.e. 10 samples of x bytes based on the number of locations you are scanning). you could try using 20 samples/sec or higher to see if it makes a difference. as u noticed, the way vb6 works is poor. i am using some api calls in the routines but i probably should use all api stuff so it will better mimick the c++ routines and kill the superfluous data. never planned on it being a general use kinda thing. sorry.

  9. #49
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    Re: MPScan

    Quote Originally Posted by wowzer View Post
    so if u started the lw plugin and then tried to start mpscan at the same time it won't work if the lw plugin has already switched to the high baud rate.
    Never tried it at the same time. I closed MPscan, opened LWplugin, started it, stopped and closed, then tried to start up MPscan again which didn't work. Since it's only MPscan I am having issues with on this laptop it's not really a big deal. I just need to play with it to figure out how to make it work when I want it to.

  10. #50
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    Re: MPScan

    weird - i'll take a look to see what's happening. when the logging is stopped i thought i reset the ecu to the low baud. maybe that doesn't work!

    *edit* i just tried it on my smecstim and i was able to start/stop logging several times within 1 session as well as start/stop in separate sessions. don't know what to tell ya!

    btw - i just logged on my smecstim 1871 eight-byte frames in 60 seconds which equal about 253 bytes per second. i just set the sample rate to 50 so it would run as fast as it could. make sure the latency on the port is set to 1mS. so thats a byte every 4mS. i'm thinking 1mS is for the usb timeout and the other 3mS is vb6 crap.

  11. #51
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    Re: MPScan

    stratman - i'm heading down to denver in about 10min for the super chevy show at brandemere drag strip. when i get back late sunday night i'm going to try my rs232 at 9600 baud and see what i get.

    also, make sure u download the latest mpscan version just to make sure. i don't think i changed the routines much from 1.0.0 but i did add an open all feature rob requested.

  12. #52
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    Re: MPScan

    Quote Originally Posted by wowzer View Post
    weird - i'll take a look to see what's happening. when the logging is stopped i thought i reset the ecu to the low baud. maybe that doesn't work!

    *edit* i just tried it on my smecstim and i was able to start/stop logging several times within 1 session as well as start/stop in separate sessions. don't know what to tell ya!

    btw - i just logged on my smecstim 1871 eight-byte frames in 60 seconds which equal about 253 bytes per second. i just set the sample rate to 50 so it would run as fast as it could. make sure the latency on the port is set to 1mS. so thats a byte every 4mS. i'm thinking 1mS is for the usb timeout and the other 3mS is vb6 crap.
    Curious, is this with the DRB 62500 coms, or the serial mod 9600 ? With the car I worked on recently, I was unable to get the serial mod to work well at 9600 baud, this was with a 9 pin serial adapter, not the FTDI usb-ttl . I could get it to connect and retrieve data, but would get many dropouts, especially with increased rpm. Someone mentioned (maybe you?) that the problemis that with the serial mod , you don't get exactly 9600 baud, so there is a timing mismatch. Should I use the DLB usb-ttl adapter instead ?

  13. #53
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    Re: MPScan

    this is using the drbII com with the usb cable. actually, its using a usb cable and risen's smecstim which has the ftdi rs232 chip converter built in.

    i will do some more testing when i get back into town using the old rs232/ttl converter and the high speed mod. that use to be my favorite, although it seems that the drbII routine works really well which i like. i'll look at higher rpm issues using risen's smecstim. i do recall (and i think rob can verify) that even with the high speed mod there was a drop of data every 5 or so seconds. can't quite remember.

  14. #54
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    Re: MPScan

    can we make this a sticky? i think it should be

  15. #55

    Re: MPScan

    I'm needing help getting this connected. So far I've got this cable

    and I've downloaded the FTDI drivers here

    as well as the MProg to edit the EEPROM on the device from here

    I've set it up to invert Rx and Tx

    I've also compiled a stock 2.5MTX in MPTuner, and followed all the instructions in MPScan. I'm still using a stock, un-socketed ecu, which I think could be one of my problems.

    The next few steps for me will be to try an ECU with the binary created from MPTuner, and to get the Rx Tx from the ECU wiring harness. I'm really not sure what the SCI port is, or where it is. I was assuming it was the little blue plug in with the fuses, but that got me nowhere.

    There are so many things to get wrong!

  16. #56
    boostaholic Turbo Mopar Contributor
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    Re: MPScan

    Quote Originally Posted by tkelly27 View Post
    I'm needing help getting this connected. So far I've got this cable

    and I've downloaded the FTDI drivers here

    as well as the MProg to edit the EEPROM on the device from here

    I've set it up to invert Rx and Tx

    I've also compiled a stock 2.5MTX in MPTuner, and followed all the instructions in MPScan. I'm still using a stock, un-socketed ecu, which I think could be one of my problems.

    The next few steps for me will be to try an ECU with the binary created from MPTuner, and to get the Rx Tx from the ECU wiring harness. I'm really not sure what the SCI port is, or where it is. I was assuming it was the little blue plug in with the fuses, but that got me nowhere.

    There are so many things to get wrong!
    The SCI port is under the hood on the right hand side, normally where the solenoids are (for most mid-late 80's cars). There are a lime green and pink wire running to it, those are the tx/rx lines from your ECU.

    As an aside, funny you should post this now. I've just spent the past 3 hours writing my datalog KB article that will be up before the night is out (hopefully, if not, tomorrow definitely).

  17. #57
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    Re: MPScan

    Quote Originally Posted by tkelly27 View Post
    I'm needing help getting this connected. So far I've got this cable

    and I've downloaded the FTDI drivers here
    Those are both fine.

    as well as the MProg to edit the EEPROM on the device from here

    I've set it up to invert Rx and Tx
    Sounds right. You did program the FTDI cable after checking those 2 boxes, right? I actually use FTProg (also from FTDI). It's a newer version of MProg and is a little more user-friendly.

    I've also compiled a stock 2.5MTX in MPTuner, and followed all the instructions in MPScan. I'm still using a stock, un-socketed ecu, which I think could be one of my problems.
    If you don't have your ECU socketed, what do you plan to do with the file you compiled in MP Tuner? You can't flash a stock ECU.

    The next few steps for me will be to try an ECU with the binary created from MPTuner, and to get the Rx Tx from the ECU wiring harness. I'm really not sure what the SCI port is, or where it is. I was assuming it was the little blue plug in with the fuses, but that got me nowhere.
    The SCI connector will be an unconnected 5-pin (usually with only 4 wires going to it) connector in between the ECU and the relays on the drivers side fender. It's sometimes plugged into a dummy plug that's attached to the main harness. Sometimes it's just hanging free. It's black in every car I've seen.
    Rob Lloyd
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  18. #58

    Re: MPScan

    I got it going. The 2.5MTX .lst works with my stock ECU. I'm not sure if I had to disable the high speed option when it was compiled. Figured out I'm only running 10psi. Gotta change that.

    If you'd like I can look through your how to. I'm pretty good at breaking things down into simple how to's. Maybe we can have it made a sticky. It's pretty amazing that people were relying on OTC scanners for so long.

  19. #59
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    Re: MPScan

    so i am just starting to use this and i am working my way through the help file, but i cant figure out how to set up the graphs? can anybody help me? can you graph as you are logging or is it for looking at a pre-recorded session?

    Also i notice there is a setup feature for the innovatae wideband, how do we get that to display on the screen? or when we set it up will it pop up automatically?

  20. #60
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    Re: MPScan

    wow - it's been a while since i looked at this. the starting point is to go to the setup screen and select the grid option. select new and it will ask for a .lst file. use the one that was created when u compiled the template, should be named the same. it will load up all the ram locations for that template. those location names that begin with an asterisk are locations that rob L has predefined in the template. they should automatically populate the fields. the others u select will need to be manipulated appropriately. i think the help file can assist from there. select your com port settings, etc. To log u need to select the display option, then select grid. you will load up the grid you created earlier which defines how to display the ram locations. then start logging. and yes it will display the logged info real time on the various graph types. u can save the session and then replay it at a later date and/or export the data to a spreadsheet.

    it never seemed to work very well using the usb option but i know some have gotten it work. i always used the high speed serial option. i started working on integrating the wideband stuff but never finished it. i wrote this program originally around 2005ish as a quick hack so it is pretty rough, plus it was written in vb6 so i don't really want to maintain that code base (that's why it's still version 1.0!!). i'll generate something new this summer with better graphing and that makes more sense and is easier to use, plus has better communications routines.

    have u taken a look at risen's logworks interface? it's very fast and uses the logworks program for data display, etc.

    if u have more questions feel free to pm me.

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