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Thread: MPScan

  1. #1
    Supporting Member Turbo Mopar Contributor
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    ****MPScan ver 2***

    here is the link to download MPScan. Use this link for the first time install. Subsequent updates will typically be done automatically via the program's auto update feature.


    In this directory you will find:
    1) - main install file (see below)
    2) mpscan.exe - program executable in case auto update does not work. copy directly into C:\Program Files (x86)\MP Suite\MPScan directory.
    3) mpsuiteupdater.exe - executable in case auto update does not work. copy directly into C:\Program Files (x86)\MP Suite\MPScan directory.

    ftdi drivers:
    net framework 4.0 (if needed) from mpscan link above.

    what you need to do:
    -download the zip file to a temp directory
    -unzip and run setup.exe

    effective for version (uploaded 6/3/14)
    windows XP:
    -the setup will create an MPScan directory under the MP Suite directory under the regular programs directory. all program files and user files will default to this location.

    windows Vista and above:
    -the setup will create an MPScan directory under the MP Suite directory under the regular programs directory. all program files will default to this location. User files will be created/stored in the regular user app directory, typically found under "c:\users\{username}\Documents\MPScan

    also, there are several csv files that the user can download/update separately from the auto downloader that provide the detail to the mpscan gauges. they can be downloaded by going into the menus 'settings', 'layout files', 'update settings' and selecting 1 or all of the files to update. periodically i will post that the files have been updated so the user is responsible to download the files if desired. it's probably a good idea to do this on a monthly basis just to make sure everything is current.

    here is a link to a video that sheds some light on how to set it up (outdated! - search wheming for more recent stuff):

    MPScan V2 Basic Setup -

    MPScan V2 Advanced Gauge Setup - (disclaimer - apparently it's a bad idea to have the mic to close to your nose. hope you like to hear me breathe!)
    Last edited by wowzer; 07-10-2020 at 10:26 AM. Reason: update

  2. #2
    Supporting Member Turbo Mopar Contributor zin's Avatar
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    Re: MPScan

    Sorry to be a bother, but is this a program that will provide a "real time" look at sensor outputs/inputs, or is it just a data logging program?

    I'm still in the "lurking" phase and so have very little practical experience, so that might be why I'm not understanding...


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  3. #3
    Supporting Member Turbo Mopar Contributor
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    Re: MPScan

    the program reads whatever ram locations you decide you want, displays them in various user selected forms, and "logs" the data, allowing you to save and retrieve it for future playback. perhaps i don't understand the difference between "real time look" and "data logging" you r referring to. it only can retrieve the ram data the ecu code stores.

  4. #4
    turbo addict
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    Re: MPScan

    Wow this is cool , now to learn it (need a vid ) . Is it compatible with ostrich 2 yet or is that coming?

  5. #5
    Supporting Member Turbo Mopar Contributor
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    Re: MPScan

    what functionality do you want from the ostrich? unfortunately, the ostrich can not access the ram locations, just the table and code locations, so i am not sure what to do at this point. ideas?

    mptuner does use the ostrich for flashing as well as monitoring table hits.

  6. #6
    turbo addict
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    Re: MPScan

    How does this work?...meaning how do you make the connections to the SMEC?

  7. #7
    Supporting Member Turbo Mopar Contributor
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    Re: MPScan

    you can use a serial/ttl converter and the high speed logging option by selecting it in the template or you can TRY the regular DRB protocol using a serial/ttl converter OR a usb/ttl convertor. i have had limited success with the usb stuff for logging. then just plug the convertor into the regular diagnostic/sci port. Next you will need to set up a config file that contains the ram addresses you want to log. rob has preset a number of them in the tsmec templates, although you will probably want to tweak a few to your liking. then start logging.

    unfortunately, it is a bit more complicated then that but read through the help file which should provide more info for you.

    one of my goals this summer is to make better help files!

  8. #8
    Visit Turbo Mopar Contributor ShelGame's Avatar
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    Re: MPScan

    Morris - been using MP Scan a lot lately. And, having some difficulty. I'm not sure if it's related to MP Scan or not, but I keep losing the connection to my FTDI cable. Doesn't seem to happen when flashing with MP Tuner. What happens is, I get an error message along the lines of 'unable to communicate with specified port'. I click OK, and MP Scan closes out. When I re-start, it doesn't 'see' the FTDI port (though the system still shows it as being available). I have to unplug it, plug it back in, and then re-start MP Scan for it to find it. In addition, I have to re-set all of the coms settings since it defaults to COM1 when it can't find COM3.

    Like I said, it may or may not be an MP Scan issue. I've noticed that the USB connector gets very hot when it's been plugged in for a while. Not 100% sure why that is, but I'm going to look into it today. I think it may be due to a constant current draw due to the inverted logic the SMEC uses (a zero state on the Tx line is 5v). I think there must be a sink on the Rx line in the SMEC that causes a current draw when the SMEC is powered down (when setting up logging or preparing to flash, for example).

    Also, this may be related - MP Scan often stops scanning for a few seconds. The display simply stops, then picks up where it left off. I'm not sure if it's a display-only error, or if it actually stops logging. I usually hit F3 to stop the logging and then re-start. So, I haven't saved one of those logs.

    Also, an idea for an improvement - save the display settings so you don't have to re-display the gauge, graph, bit, etc displays individually. They at least save their screen locations currently. But, it would be nice to have a 1-click method for getting all of the displays back up on the screen.
    Rob Lloyd
    '89 Daytona C/S

    2.5 T1 Auto
    13.24 @ 100.5mph
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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Re: MPScan

    Rob, i am having that same problem with the logworks plug in. When i hit the throttle hard, it looses its connection and only my wideband is getting did that to me twice yesterday....and like you said, i have to close out logworks, close out the plugin- unplug it and plug it back in...but it has no problem getting its com back.......i also had this problem with mpscan. Oh..i am also using the ftdi mod.....its really annoying with the logworks as i gotta pull over...reset everthing and start over.....thought i havn't checked to see if my usb connector is getting warm or not....


  10. #10
    Supporting Member Turbo Mopar Contributor
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    Re: MPScan

    rob/tom - what "protocol" are you using when logging, the drb or custom and what settings?

    rob - do you have the same issues using the serial/ttl converter?

    i'll look at the com stuff again. (been a while!!). when using the com settings screen the program does a quick search to see what ports are available. after it bombs out it must still think that port is in use so it will skip it. i guess i could force it to reset to the previous saved settings (hmm - maybe i'll just prompt you for that response if it can't set the previous settings!).

    good idea on the screen display. i'll add that and update the download.

    hopefully risen or others who are better versed in the hardware/programming stuff can shed some light on how to get the usb more reliable. i wonder if programming the ftdi using the dll directly would work better versus using the com port? any thoughts?

    usually when the display stops logging its because the bytes sent vs the bytes received is out of sync (i.e. losing bytes on receive). i had this problem years ago also using jason's logging software. although he processed just 1 byte at a time so you never really knew if it was missing bytes. if i send 20 bytes/locations i don't update the display unless i get all 20 back. as i said before, i have found the usb logging very iffy. the usb protocol (from what i understand) has a buffer system that i think really messes things up. reducing the latency down to 2 ms and using the smallest buffer seemed to help somewhat. the drb protocols just send 1 byte at a time so they seem to work better due to the usb timeout kicking in and forcing the data back to the pc. the flashing seems to work because i send a large amount of data at one time so the native usb buffer fills up quickly and sends/receives the data timely.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Re: MPScan

    I am using the DRB II....

  12. #12
    Supporting Member Turbo Mopar Contributor
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    Re: MPScan

    thx tom -

    the way the drb routine works is the program sends the "packet" of desired rom locations one byte at a time to the ecu. it then waits up to around 50 ms or receipt of the data byte back (whichever is less). if the ecu does not respond timely (e.g. <= 50 ms) the data byte is forced to a value of 0 and the next rom location is sent. after all the packet bytes are sent and received, the data is logged and the display is updated if the correct time interval has elapsed. if there are more than 5 timeouts in a packet, the individual timeout is increased by 5 ms. if there are < 5 timeouts in a packet, the program reduces the individual timeout down by 5 ms, until the current minimum of 45 ms is reached.

    there could be a potential problem with the way i am handling the screen updates rob. if there are alot of data timeouts, the cumulative timeout could exceed the screen update interval, so the screen wouldn't update until all of the packet is complete. while unlikely, if you are experiencing a bad connection and have the screen update fairly high (5 or more updates a second), this would create a pause in the update. i'll ponder a better way to do this!!

  13. #13
    Hybrid booster
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    Re: MPScan

    I whipped out the old RS232 box I built from 2004 (Chad's design) for my flashable SMEC and tried to connect to the SMEC yesterday with no luck. I would build the grid and save it, but when I pulled the grid up all fields are blank. None of the RAM locations I chose show up.

  14. #14
    Supporting Member Turbo Mopar Contributor
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    Re: MPScan

    make sure in the grid setup screen that you enter a display number 1 - 12. if you leave it zero (or blank) it will not show up. each "type" of display (analog, digital, graph, etc.) can have up to 12 ram locations (so 48 total - which will probably overload the ecu). this way you can set up a whole bunch of ram locations one time, save it as a master file, and then reload it, select the locations you want to display and resave it with a unique name. in theory at least!

  15. #15
    Hybrid booster
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    Re: MPScan

    Is this program catered towards the USB serial cable (like Rob and others use) as opposed to the old school RS232 converters? I haven't tried to connect again to see if I can get the old RS232 box to communicate, but I will go ahead and order the USB version if I need to.

  16. #16
    Supporting Member Turbo Mopar Contributor
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    Re: MPScan

    actually - i prefer (and use exclusively) the serial rs232 at 9600 baud, since for me it would work flawlessly and was much faster. the only way i got the usb stuff to work somewhat reliably was to use the drb protocols. my goal was to use the high speed usb stuff at 62500 or higher but i was unsuccessful. i need to spend some time again working on that usb aspect, either by "forcing" packets to 64 bytes or using the native ftdi dll drivers. (so much to do, so little time!).

    rob has done alot more logging then i so he might have better feedback on the usb aspect. also, one of my goals over the next several months is to port everything to vs2008. also, i have some 3rd party controls (ComponentOne) that i use at work that have some excellent gauge controls. i've always been hesitant to use 3rd party stuff, tho, since it limits the "open source" concept i eventually plan to get to. If someone knows a great, free, gauge/graph control i would be interested.

  17. #17
    Visit Turbo Mopar Contributor ShelGame's Avatar
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    Re: MPScan

    I use the ftdi USB cable/port in my van exclusively. Mostly so that I can use the fast-flashing that MP Tuner has. Flashing & verifying a new cal in 10 seconds is pretty sweet. Since it's pretty much hard-wired into the van, I also use it for datalogging. It's not issue-free.

    Some of the issues:

    1) Apparently, with the SMEC powered down, it will still draw current thru the FTDI cable if it's plugged into a laptop. The USB connector then gets (very) hot due to the high current draw and causes the FTDI chip in the cable to flake out. The port then drops out of windows and you lose the data connection. Solution is to not leave the FTDI cable plugged into the laptop when the car is powered down. It hot-swaps in Win7 just fine, so it's no big deal. It took me a while to figure that out.

    2) Since I'm using the 'hi-speed' logger mod, I still only get data at 9600 baud. But, due to the logger code in the SMEC, I can get ~100 samples/sec. Which is about 3X more data than you can get with the DRB protocol. For debugging and general data logging, it probably is not a big deal. But, I prefer the higher time resolution when I'm trying out new code.

    3) Using the USB cable, MP Scan 'loses' data often. There are times in the data set where 1-2 seconds of data get lost. I think Morris told me it has to do with the way MP Scan gets the data from the buffer. If a single byte gets lost, then the whole packet gets lost. Is that about right?

    I've have not tried logging with the RS232 cable using the DRB protocol, but I will use this method for customer cars - assuming I ever need to log a customers car...
    Rob Lloyd
    '89 Daytona C/S

    2.5 T1 Auto
    13.24 @ 100.5mph
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  18. #18
    Hybrid booster
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    Re: MPScan

    I will just see if I can get any (3) of my serial converters to work. I have had MANY issue using USB anything.

  19. #19
    Supporting Member Turbo Mopar Contributor
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    Re: MPScan

    the way the program currently works (assume 20 ram locations are to be sampled):

    drb protocol baud rates are fixed in the program at the non standard baud rates so you have to use a usb converter that supports 7812, 62500, etc.

    once the program transitions from the low to high speed drb protocol, it sends each of the 20 locations 1 location at a time, waiting up to 45 mSec for a response for each location. if no response is received timely, a "0" value is defaulted for that location. so if there are numerous timeouts the delay to log the sample could be significant.

    the "custom" protocol is based on using the high speed logging option rob has in the cals (jason's old routine i believe). the program sends all 20 locations at once and waits up to 400 ms for all the data to come back. if the program times out on the packet of 20, that whole sample is set to "0"s.

    i use the rs232 set at 9600 baud.

    rob - are you saying you use the usb custom option at 9600 baud? if so, why not try the higher baud rates? also, did you change your usb port latency to <=8 mSec and the buffer size to 64 bytes? from what i understand, that seems to kick the bytes back faster since the usb system will timeout and return the small packet.

  20. #20
    boostaholic Turbo Mopar Contributor
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    Re: MPScan

    I've used a rs232 converter on my lm. It was soldered to the mcu pins internally. It worked ok with the standard logging protocol at the odd baud rates, though you need to make sure the serial port you're using supports whatever rate you need to use.

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