****MPScan ver 2***
here is the link to download MPScan. Use this link for the first time install. Subsequent updates will typically be done automatically via the program's auto update feature.
In this directory you will find:
1) mpscansetup.zip - main install file (see below)
2) mpscan.exe - program executable in case auto update does not work. copy directly into C:\Program Files (x86)\MP Suite\MPScan directory.
3) mpsuiteupdater.exe - executable in case auto update does not work. copy directly into C:\Program Files (x86)\MP Suite\MPScan directory.
ftdi drivers: http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/VCP.htm
net framework 4.0 (if needed) from mpscan link above.
what you need to do:
-download the zip file to a temp directory
-unzip and run setup.exe
effective for version (uploaded 6/3/14)
windows XP:
-the setup will create an MPScan directory under the MP Suite directory under the regular programs directory. all program files and user files will default to this location.
windows Vista and above:
-the setup will create an MPScan directory under the MP Suite directory under the regular programs directory. all program files will default to this location. User files will be created/stored in the regular user app directory, typically found under "c:\users\{username}\Documents\MPScan
also, there are several csv files that the user can download/update separately from the auto downloader that provide the detail to the mpscan gauges. they can be downloaded by going into the menus 'settings', 'layout files', 'update settings' and selecting 1 or all of the files to update. periodically i will post that the files have been updated so the user is responsible to download the files if desired. it's probably a good idea to do this on a monthly basis just to make sure everything is current.
here is a link to a video that sheds some light on how to set it up (outdated! - search wheming for more recent stuff):
MPScan V2 Basic Setup - http://youtu.be/FUPrPVaO4VU
MPScan V2 Advanced Gauge Setup - http://youtu.be/5csBsJgCbgU (disclaimer - apparently it's a bad idea to have the mic to close to your nose. hope you like to hear me breathe!)