New sensor did not make any difference to the misfire, and also has the exact same voltage reading at closed throttle (about 1.23v)
And that's fine about the Google thing. The video shows my...
Type: Posts; User: Mudman; Keyword(s):
New sensor did not make any difference to the misfire, and also has the exact same voltage reading at closed throttle (about 1.23v)
And that's fine about the Google thing. The video shows my...
I'll check the 5v reference and ground and get back to you on that. The sweep itself seems to be fine, here's a link to a video of it.
I just took the throttle body off and gave it a very...
Hey guys,
I'm hoping somebody might have some experience with this, or a solution.
Engine: 1989 TII
I've been chasing a misfire or "burble" that only happens during idle, or no load cruise....