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    How about talking to me on IRC once in a while HUH??? too late tonight I'm going to bed.
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    yeah...that's me too: tattoo, peircing, needles, blood... lol. Never used to be a wimp - it's something I'm 'acquiring' with age lol
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    Knock yourself out! Well...not literally - that might hurt
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About nBALLS

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Date of Birth
September 20, 1979 (45)
About nBALLS
I got my first car at 16(1996), it was a '66 Dart GT, I was all into the carb'd V8 muscle cars, don't mention FI, or I would have started spewing ignorance at you. Then my friend Kevin started talking about putting an FI Turbo'd 340 in his '69 Dart, and he mentioned something about Turbo K cars from the '80s..... I was curious.... I went to a car show/drag day(Sept. '97), and saw Doug Mill rip off a 13.5 in his Omni GLH-T, and I was hooked. I then started spending a lot of time at school surfing the web, looking up Turbo-Mopars, finding out there were some really neat FWD cars modified by Shelby, and numbered even! I used the Shelby-Dodge Web Ring, and found out about/subscribed to the SDML. I got my first T-M in Feb '99, when I needed a DD, it was an '85 LeBaron GTS, I eventually ran a 14.04@99 on 14psi with a 2.5L in that car. I have had 22-ish cars, 15 or so of them T-Ms. Of note in the T-Ms were, a White ABS '91 Spirit R/T, a '90 Daytona C/S VNT, two CSX-Ts, 3 '87 Daytona Shelby Z TII cars, one of my favorite rigs ever, my '90 Voyager LX Turbo, etc. I realized several years ago, I wasn't at a point in my life where I could have all of these projects, when you have 14 cars and one runs, asking to borrow your mom's car when your only working one breaks, doesn't work too well. So I started selling off cars, and in the process of deciding which one/ones to keep, I put together my Mirage Turbo w/2.0L, and realized how much I did love the 4G63T. I also fell in love with AWD early on, and have had a few AWD DSMs over the years, but until I had one as a DD and my Mirage with lots of power through only the front tires, did I realize how much I really LOVE AWD(I can still launch a FWD car VERY well, lol). I still have a big place in my heart for T-Ms, friends with T-Ms, and some parts left over to sell. ;)
Mill Creek, WA
Tech, XS Pusher
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Think it'll stick the rear end at 150MPH?? 07-01-2008 10:30 PM
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