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Yo man I didn't know you were this close to me, I thought the closest turbo person was in Oakland. I'm about to get my Spirit RT on the road next week, just got to get smog and new tires but I could always swap on the aftermarket wheels from my imported IROC RT. Is the Lancer the only car you have? Cindy at FWDP is about to buy my '89 CSX, I just don't have the time anymore to deal with so many cars. I'll look around on your posts to see what you've done to your car, without you having to explain it.
Nice Pacifica How did you work out the FMIC piping?
just trying to give you first dibs it came out of a gtc lebaron. got my block in the shop now putting forged slugs in it . and i think i am going to go with mega squrt i have a stage 5 cal from cindy and dont like it that much and chris said it would be a whyle before he could get me one shooting for 30psi and low 12,s my best run sofar was 13.5 @110mph that was with bad ringlands or on 3 cyl what have you been up too .the pic n pull in stockton ca was a gold mine for td cars thay have a lancer just like yours but its gray i was down there last weekend.to get my block. i got a shelby 2 piece intake if your interested .
hey there, i know its been a while since ive talked to you but another guy from northern ca just contacted me about maybe having a small meet. he lives in fairfield and he said that he knows another guy from oakland who drives a shelby charger. not sure if we can get something planned but it would be cool to meet up with td folks around here. anyways hows your lancer doing? looks nice as far as i can see from your profile pic.
turbo addict
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